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The Benefits of a Desktop-based Data Management System
IDS - Intranet Database System Because IDS is a desktop-based system it offers two significant advantages over browser-based systems. First, there is an additional layer of security over browser based systems. When using a browser-based system, anyone with a web-browser, such as Firefox or Internet Explorer, and access to the internet can potentially gain illegal or unauthorized access to your data because they already have the application required to access your data - a browser. However, with IDS only those users who have the IDS application installed on their computer can access your data. And because each IDS application is customized to your needs, only your company's IDS application can access your data.

Second, a desktop-based system like IDS offers a sharper and more universal user-experience. A browser-based application can be accessed via any variety of internet browsers: Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Firefox, etc. However, it is likely that the application itself may look or function differently, depending on the browser being used. This adds significant complication and difficulty to the user experience. But with IDS, visual displays and functionalities remain consistent at all times for all users, no matter when and from where the system is being accessed.

If your company is dissatisfied with its current browser-based data management system, or is interested in having a custom desktop-based client application developed just for you, look no further than IDS! For more information, please email us at info@zbluesoftware.com, or call (203) 202-2121 to schedule your free IDS consultation.

Download the IDS Demo.