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IDS & Automation
IDS - Intranet Database System Often times, innovation arises from a necessity to increase efficiency. Technological advancements over the past decades, and even centuries, have led the way to the automation of processes beyond what many could ever have imagined. Written mail gave way to email. Telegrams gave way to phone calls (and, even more recently, phone calls gave way to text messages!). Dish washers, hair dryers, blenders, and calculators - all of these things were designed to help save you from putting in an unnecessary amount of time and effort to get things done, allowing you to focus on more important, or more enjoyable pursuits. And this is exactly what IDS can help to do for your business!

Because of the advanced customizability of the IDS system, it can be designed to precisely automate your particular processes. Processes such as consolidating data from CSV or Excel files, or repeatedly accessing website accounts, or creating reports for your customers, tasks that once took hours or even days to complete are now quickly and accurately accomplished with IDS, in as little as a few minutes!

This has several major benefits. For example, the IDS system can automate any of the processes that previously had required the full time of one of your employees. With IDS now taking care of these tasks, this employee would now be available to perform other, more important jobs to help move the company forward. What used to be a difficult, time-consuming procedure, IDS can now quickly, easily, and accurately complete, without any special software training required for you or your employees. With IDS automation, your company will see a clear, definitive savings in both time and money.

For more information on how your website, your company, and your customers can benefit from IDS integration, please email us at info@zbluesoftware.com or call us at (203) 202-2121.

Download the IDS Demo.